08 July 2012


Soon our rhythms are going to change.... and we can start thinking of sports, lessons, etc

Had a quick look this morning, and found

some music:

- starting August 2013, BplusC Spelen met muziek (voor kinderen uit groep 1 en 2) 
- starting january 2013 BplusC Baby- en peutermuziek 1 - 2,5 jaar (maandag Rapenburg) 
and nothing else, all possible instruments lessons start at around 6 years
I also heard about Taiko kids, but could not find much info at this point, may be if I try later I will have more luck

some sports... starting at 4 only judo
- on fridays,  4  t/m  6 jaar 17:45 - 18:30 uur http://www.judoeendracht.nl/page8.html
- on saturdays, 4 t/m 6 jaar 10:00 - 11:00  http://www.budokan.nl/budokan/
- on almost every day!  http://www.aadvanpolanen.nl/lesrooster